Rights and Inclusion

Advice for Living Well with Dementia

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Video: Advice for Living Well with Dementia

This video shares advice for living well with dementia from people living with dementia and their family, friends, and supporters. The video was produced by the DREAM and Dementia-Inclusive Choices for Exercise (DICE) Teams.

Rights and Inclusion

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Video: I Have Dementia but I’m Still Me

This video titled “I Have Dementia but I’m Still Me” shows the diverse faces and experiences of people living with dementia and their family, friends, and supporters. The video was produced by the DREAM and the Dementia-Inclusive Choices for Exercise (DICE) Teams.

Key Resource

DREAM Booklet: Get to Know Me

This booklet is designed to help people living with dementia and/or care partners share information about personal experiences, abilities, and preferences. This information can be helpful to people providing programs and services.

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Additional Supports

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DREAM: Learning Manual for Service Providers

This manual will help service providers develop knowledge and skills for engaging with people living with dementia and supporting inclusive physical activity, healthy eating, and other wellness programs.

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Alzheimer Society of Canada

The Alzheimer Society of Canada website provides information on different types of dementia, programs and resources available, and the latest news from research and practice.

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Video: What is Dementia?

This video describes dementia, causes, and common symptoms.

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Video: Understanding Behaviour in Dementia

This video discusses some of the fears and misconceptions around behaviours and working with people living with dementia.

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Changes in Mood and Behaviour

This webpage from the Alzheimer Society of Canada describes changes in mood and behaviour that can be experienced by people living with dementia.

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Dementia and Sensory Changes

This resource highlights key sensory challenges that can be experienced by people living with dementia. It was developed by Agnes Houston, a person living with dementia.

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Talking Sense: Living with Sensory Changes and Dementia

This resource provides an expanded description of the senses, the impact of aging, and the impact of dementia. It includes tips on self-management for persons living with dementia and advice for families and care partners.

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World Alzheimer Report 2012: Overcoming Stigma

To learn more about stigma of dementia, this resource shares the experiences and perspectives of people living with dementia, family and friend care partners, and people working in the field.

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The Canadian Charter of Rights for People with Dementia

People living with dementia worked with the Alzheimer Society of Canada to create the Canadian Charter of Rights for People with Dementia.

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United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD)

The UN CRPD is a human rights treaty that was adopted on December 13th 2006. The purpose of the UN CRPD is to promote, protect, and ensure the full human rights and freedoms of people with disability, including people living with dementia.

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Human Rights Complaints

The Government of Ontario provides information about human rights complaints, filing complaints, provincial and territorial agencies, and international complaints.

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iGeriCare is a free, online dementia education program developed by experts in geriatrics, mental health and online learning at McMaster University.

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Understanding Dementia

Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre offers a “Massive Open Online Course” (MOOC) about dementia. This course offers university-quality education about the latest in dementia research and care.

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Alzheimer Society of Canada Language Guidelines

To promote person centred language, these guidelines have been reviewed by people living with dementia and have been developed for use by all individuals involved in the care of people living with dementia.

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Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project Language Guidelines

The Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP) language guidelines were written by 20 people living with dementia, acknowledging the language used to talk about dementia influences how people with dementia are viewed.

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Dementia Australia Dementia Language Guidelines

The purpose of this paper is to promote the consistent use of appropriate, inclusive, and non-stigmatizing language when talking or writing about dementia and people living with dementia.

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Power of Words

This video talks about the importance of the language and words used when talking about dementia.

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Indigenous Cognition and Aging Awareness Research Exchange

The I-CAARE website offers culturally safe factsheets that were developed with Indigenous people living with memory loss and family and friend care partners.

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Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay: Checklist for the Physical Environment

This resource helps to evaluate and improve the physical environment to improve accessibility for people with dementia.

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The DELIGHT program was developed to support the health and wellbeing of people living with dementia and family and friend care partners. The DELIGHT healthy tip sheets give information and strategies to help people living with dementia live well.

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211 is a telephone line and online directory that connects all Canadians with local community and social services to help meet personal needs, including housing, food access, senior support, and more.

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Multilingual Resources

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DREAM Booklet: Get to Know Me

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Simplified Chinese

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